
In America today, 1 in 36 children are identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

While children of color are far more likely to be misdiagnosed.



These children are more than a number, more than a statistic. They need support and understanding of their individual needs to achieve their incredible potential in life.

Black, Hispanic and Asian or Pacific Islander children were more likely to be identified with ASD than white children.

In Georgia, Black children are 1.5 times more likely to be identified with ASD than White children.


Children with profound autism were more likely to be:

  • female

  • from racial and ethnic minority groups;

  • of low socioeconmic status;

  • born preterm or with low birth weight;

  • have self-injurious behaviors;

  • have seizure disorders;

  • and have lower adaptive scores.

Supportive Resource

Autism Response Team:

Supportive Resource

Autism Speaks Team:

Supportive Resource

The American Academy of Pediatrics:

The American Academy of Pediatrics released in 2020 that pediatricians can diagnose autism.



A short film in which nonspeaking autistic people talk about how non-speakers are represented in books, theatre, and film. They provide guidance for changing the narrative.